Sunday, 1 December 2013

My Angels in Disguise!

So many Memories,
So many stupid fights,
So many inside jokes,
And the craziest nights,

We had the best time,
When we all were together!
Now it’s only the memory,
That we have all together.

Everything crazy I did,
Always seemed to happen when I was with you!
The fun we had in those days,
Was the best thing that was given to me by you!

I know, You all will always be with me,
Until the very end,
Wiping all my tears away,
For you being my best friend!

We have all smiled together,
And felt the pain too.
If any one of us will shed a tear,
We promise, we all will cry too.

To me, you are my angels in disguise.
Always walking right by my side!
Being so modest and so wise,
But still being crazy deep inside!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

मेरे अधूरे सपने!

जब बचपन था, तो जवानी ड्रीम था!
जब जवान हुए, तो बचपन डिज़ाइर है!

जब घर में रहते थे, आज़ादी अछी लगती थी.
आज अकेले हैं तो हर पल घर के दिन याद आते हैं!

कभी होटेल में जाना, पिज़्ज़ा - बर्गर खाना पसंद था.
आज घर पर आना और मां के हाथ के खाने में ही जन्नत है!
जिनसे झगड़ते थे स्कूल में उन दोस्तो को इंटरनेट में तलाशते हैं.
आज कल तो खुश रहने के तरीके भी हम  गूगल में सर्च मारते हैं!

फ़ेसबुक से डेटिंग और फ्लिपकार्ट - -बे से शॉपिंग करते हैं.
घर पर भी बात अब स्काइप/ जी-टॉक से करते हैं!

लाइफ को लॅपटॉप और मोबाइल में समैट दिया है.
हम समझते हैं हमने खुद को अपडेट किया है!

इस नई दुनिया में हमने क्या गुमा दिया.
कब क्या बदला, हमे कुछ पता भी ना चला!

पैसा मिला नाम मिला, कुछ है हम यह विश्वास मिला.
पर क्या छोड़ा, क्या त्यागा हमने, इसका ना हिसाब मिला!

खुशी किसमे होती है, यह पता अब चला है.
बचपन क्या था इसका एहसास अब हुआ है.

काश बदल सकते ज़िंदगी के कुछ साल पिछले.
काश जी सकते ज़िंदगी एक बार फिर से,
काश मिल सकता बचपन मुझको एक बार फिरसे!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

When I Think About You...!!!

Life is a mystery,
And we have to solve it.
It would have been difficult,
If, alone I had to do it!
I so damn needed someone,
A friend, a companion!
Who would hold my hand,
And would guide me till the end.
Thank God, you came into my life,
And everything seemed so simple and bright.
Things now were not that harsh,
As it was earlier in the cruel past!
You made me laugh,
You made me cry.
But you were always there,
Right by my side!
We fought like enemies,
Who would never talk again!
But, its only after 2 mins,
We would talk like nothing had happened, and would never happen again.
That’s the beauty of our Friendship,
So beautiful and divine!
With only happy faces,
And no ego inside!
It is something to be cherished,
And never let it go away.
And over the year, it would only get flourished,
With no grudges in its way!

Friday, 26 July 2013

अनकही बातें..!

है दिल में कुछ हलचल,
कुछ अजीब कशमकश है!
कहना तो है बहुत कुछ,
पर शायद शब्द आज कम हैं!

होंठों पर मुस्कुराहट,
पर दिल यह बेचैन!
है चेहरे पर हँसी,
पर आँखें क्यू नम हैं?
जसबात तो दिल में,
कई एसे छुपे हैं,
कहना तो है लेकिन,
ना कहते बने हैं!

 शायद कभी हो जाए कुछ ऐसा,
हॉंसला कहीं से जाए कुछ ऐसा!
केह सकूँ मैं दिल की, हर वो एक बातें,
जो आज ना मुझसे कहते बने हैं!


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

That's My Way to Say Thanks to My Friends...!

When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you till the end.

You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.

We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing till our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane - If they only knew!

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.

My Little Girl!

Tiny hands and tiny feet, Glittery eyes and chubby cheeks! I hold you smile, though teary eyes,  With loads of love and Joy inside! ...