Sunday 1 July 2018

My Little Girl!

Tiny hands and tiny feet,
Glittery eyes and chubby cheeks!
I hold you smile, though teary eyes,
 With loads of love and Joy inside!

 Your tiny little fingers, 
Curls through my hair!
And those little toes,
Wave in the air!

Your rolling and crawls,
And the moments you laugh,
You try to move ahead,
Though with a few falls!

A precious gift you are to me,
A bundle of joy and love to be!
Gift from heaven like a precious pearl,
Heart filled with dreams – my sweet little girl!

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Somewhere between!

Somewhere between
“Crying loudly to seek attention” and
“Crying silently to avoid attention”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Katti!!” and “Blocked”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“ 7 pani puris for 1 rupee” and
“1 pani puri for 7 rupees”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Ground mai aaja” and
“Online aaja”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Craving for pizza” and
“Craving for home food”,
We grew up!

Somewhere between
“Believing in happy endings” and
“Accepting the reality”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Stealing eclairs of your sis” and
“Bringing Silk for her”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Just five more mins Mom” and
“Pressing the snooze button”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Broken Pencils” and
“Broken Hearts”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Crying out loud just to get what we want” and
“Holding our tears when we are broken inside”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“We are Best Friends Forever” and
“Knowing that nothing truly lasts”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“I want to grow up” and
“I want to be a child again”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Lets meet and plan” and
“Lets plan and meet”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Eagerly waiting” and
“Forever waiting”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Parents fulfilling our wish” and
“We fulfilling our parent’s dream”,
We grew up!!

Somewhere between
“Waking up at 6 am” and
“Sleeping at 6 am”,
We grew up!!

And as we grew up, we realized how, silently but surely….

Our lives have changed...!!

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Nostalgic Scribbles...!

It was as if like yesterday,
We played, we sang all through the day!
Our tiny feet aim the milestone high,
Yet those mischief in the sparkling eyes!

Morning school bells,
And bag full of books!
Running down the playground,
Assembling for prayer queues!

Cricket, basketball, Hide & seek,
Yet, fighting on those little cheats!
Fun we had in classrooms too,
Gossips, whispers and imaginations thru!

Found a slam book that we scribbled in the past,
Tears roll down as I read it till the last!
All my memories were fresh as of today
Made me feel as if it happened yesterday!

Thursday 24 March 2016

A Bag full of Memories!

Those good olden days,
Full of laughter and blaze!
Fun around the corners,
And smiles on our face!

We sneaked those happy moments,
With small things around,
A least out of expectation,
For our friendship to abound!

We definitely move with time ahead,
Cherishing both ups and downs!
Together we share the joy of life,
Together we face the bows too!

With all the memories in my bags,
I move ahead with flow of life!
Hope to relive those golden days,
To pack again a beautiful bag!

Thursday 17 March 2016

पर कब अपनो से मैं दूर हुई?

ज़िंदगी की इस राह में,
थामा जो तुमने यह हाथ!
एक वादा-सा लगा,
की ना छूटे ये साथ!

इस नये अनूठे बंधन से,
कई नये रिश्ते मिले!
कुछ दिल के करीब हुए,
तो कुछ सिर-आँखों-पर रखे!

सँजोकर रखना चाहा था,
इसलिय खुद को भी बदला था!
पर पता ही ना चला तब,
पीछे छूटने लगे अपने कब?

ज़िंदगी भर जो साथ रहे,
पर ना जाने कब उनमे द्वेष बड़े!
ना रहती थी जो दिल में बातें,
आज वही बड़े सवाल बने!

जहाँ गूँजती थी कभी किलकरी,
आज वहाँ अनचाही खामोशी है!
जहाँ ना थी कभी कोई दीवारें,
आज अजब यह हिचक सी है!

सबको साथ लेकर चलना चाहा था मैने,
पर ना जाने कब यह चूक हुई!
नये रिश्तों को संजोना था मैने,
पर कब अपनो से मैं दूर हुई?

Thursday 15 October 2015

Silly You, Silly Me!

A silly you, and a silly me,
Are full of fun, and full of glee!
Happy, shabby, we are together,
Only laughs, when we all gather!

The silly fights,
Those pranks and cries,
Love and care,
Those moments to glare!

Bring a smile, that too contagious,
Spread on to us, in a big radius!
That one curved line, on my face,
With no worries, & fun always!

Memories to cherish all my life,
That is what I got, as a big prize,
Being with you, is always a pleasure,
Thanks I say, for all this treasure!

Saturday 25 April 2015

बीते लम्हे...!

कितने जल्दी यह वक़्त बदल जाता है,
एक लम्हे में खुशी,
तो कभी आँसू दे जाता है!

अभी तो हम दोस्त बस मिले ही थे,
शायद गले भी ठीक से ना लगे थे!
एक-दो बातें ही तो हमने करी थी,
अभी तो वो हँसी भी अधूरी थी!

वो रात भर जाग कर गप्पे मारना,
एक दूसरे को हद तक चिडाना!
वो कुत्ते बिल्ली की तरह झगड़ना,
दोस्त को प्यार जताने के लिए भी गाली देना!

लगता है जैसे सब पीछे छूट गया,
वक़्त के आँचल में कहीं खो सा गया!
बदलते वक़्त के साथ पर एक खुशी भी मिल गई,
ना भूलने वाली कुछ यादें जो मिल गई!

My Little Girl!

Tiny hands and tiny feet, Glittery eyes and chubby cheeks! I hold you smile, though teary eyes,  With loads of love and Joy inside! ...